The Bible is God’s written revelation to man and is the complete verbal, inspired and inerrant Word of God.


God is One, eternally existing in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus: Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. He was sent by The Father, born of a virgin and lived a sinless life as the God-Man here on earth. He died for our sins as a substitutionary sacrifice and after three days rose again in bodily form. Today He sits at the right hand of The Father in heaven.


The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Godhead. He convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. Indwelling every believer, He seals, gifts, enlightens, instructs and guides.


As a result of Adam’s fall, all mankind is born into sin. Consequently, every part of his being—mind, will, emotions, and flesh—has been corrupted. Therefore, each of us are totally depraved and in need of God’s regeneration.


Scripture refers to Satan as the unholy god of this age and the ruler of all powers of darkness. He can only do what God The Father sovereignly allows him to do. He is the father of lies and by judgment from The Sovereign Creator is destined for hell - the eternal Lake of Fire.


Salvation is wholly of God by His grace and on the basis of Christ’s redemption, the merit of His shed blood, through faith alone and not on the basis of human merit or works.


Those who have been redeemed (in Christ) will one day rise again to eternal life with Christ our Lord in Heaven. Those who reject Christ (unredeemed) will be eternally condemned along with Satan and his demons, in a literal eternal Lake of Fire.


Christ refers to the church as His body—a united group of believers and followers. This Church is manifested through the local assembly, which is a congregation of believers led by elders as defined in Scripture. 

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